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Me too

Image by: Angie Arevelo

The me too movement has been spreading like a good laugh. #metoo has been trending on twitter and Instagram. Many brave celebrities have come forward and identified people who have committed sexual assault and r*pe. Due to the movement by these brave women, many predators have lost their movies, power positions, and jobs all together.

One game changing person that came forward was Timothy Heller. She helped prove the stereotype that women can't r*pe women wrong. Heller came forward and accused Melanie Martinez of r*ping her, sharing her story on twitter. Many did not believe her, were unsupportive, and said that it wasn't r*pe because it was two women.

Women can assault women, men can assault men, men can be assaulted by women. Come forward, don't be afraid. If you have been abused or sexuality assaulted talk to someone and get help. Don't let others hold you back, and if it's bot man on women assault, that doesn't mean its not valid.

Help lines:

Sexual assault: (877) 995-5247

Bullying: 1800 551 800

Domestic Violence: 1 800 799 7233

Suicide :1-800-273-8255

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