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Photos and essays are how I tell about the world around me.

My name is Isabelle James-Hutson, but pretty much everyone calls me Izzy. I grew up in Maryland and moved to North Carolina in the fourth grade. I have a pretty large family, full of parents, step-parents, step-siblings, half-siblings, grandparents, step-grandparents, and a adorable nephew. I have a grand total of seven siblings, all in different houses. I am currently a junior at West Brunswick High School, which I have a love-hate relationship. I'm really involved in my school and sports because that's about all I have to pass the time. However, I also really love Netflix. The office is my current binge, but Friends and How I Met Your Mother are my favorites. I have a cat named Lilly Geller, named after characters of my favorite shows, and you'll probably either see or hear about her a lot on this blog.


I've always tried extremely hard in school, which has lead me to lots of stress and good grades. It has also lead me to this blog. For our honors extension, we had to pick a topic to have a blog about. Politics and social issues have always been something I am passionate about, so naturally I decided to use that as my blog topic. I have a interesting life, with lots of dead lines, and hopefully one day a successful blog. 

   WHO AM I   

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